[Article] 野外而非實驗室操作的例子支持捕食者能概括化多態型的獵物:以Oophaga histrionica(箭毒蛙的一種)複合群為例


原文標題:Field but not lab paradigms support generalisation by predators of aposematic polymorphic prey: the Oophaga histrionica complex

摘要 [原文網址]

The persistence of novel aposematic forms, and thereby the evolution of aposematic polymorphism, remain intriguing. Novel and rare forms could be disproportionally attacked by predators that already learned to avoid a pre-existing and more common aposematic form. Alternatively, novel forms could be less frequently attacked if predators are reluctant to attack unknown potential prey (neophobia) or if previous learning allows them to generalise and recognise the novel form as toxic. We used colour variation in polymorphic poison frogs (Oophaga histrionica complex) to test whether predators familiar with one aposematic form do generalise their avoidance behaviour to other aposematic forms. To strengthen our inference, we combined a field test of attack rates to local and non-local models with a lab experiment of generalisation capabilities by newly born chicks. Field predators attacked a significantly lower proportion of 529 aposematic compared to 150 cryptic models. Predators co-occurring with the local aposematic form of O. histrionica equally avoided non-local forms, especially in areas where the species was abundant. Forty-two lab chicks learned to discriminate between an aposematic and a cryptic image, but failed to generalise to other aposematic images, even though we tried with six combinations of aposematic forms. To better mimic the situation in the field, we further tested whether chicks trained with a set of four simultaneous aposematic images would generalise better. They failed to learn the discrimination task. Our data contrast with previous field studies on other poison frogs, and support a role for generalisation, and arguably not neophobia, in predator avoidance of novel aposematic forms.





1. 野外的情況與實驗室的結果差異甚大,這代表那些用雞做實驗的文章是否需要再探討?

2. 概括化是由經驗累積而來,但出生的小雞的馴化過程是否算是有足夠的經驗累積?或是雞太笨?如果換成其他的鳥或蜥蜴會有一樣的結果嗎?

3. 如果野外的捕食者大多具有概括化能力,那麼就能解釋很多類群具有奇怪的多態型,即使捕食者不是廣域性的也行

4. 獵物本身的每個型似乎還是必須具備警戒性才行,這樣的理論才能成立。

5. 又或者其實族群同時有警戒與隱蔽,但隱蔽性的全被選汰掉了,只有具有警戒性的才能留下來?

