[Review] 為何警戒展示同時有多項複合機制?

原文標題:Why are warning display multimodal?

Multimodal defensive displays are commonplace, with prey combining conspicuous coloration, sounds, odours and other chemical emissions to deter predators. These components can signal to predators in multiple signal modalities to warn them that prey are defended. The aim of our review is to examine the form and function of multimodal warning displays. Data collected from the literature on multimodal insect warning displays show the degree of complexity and diversity that needs to be explained, and we identify patterns in the data that may be worthy of more rigorous investigation. We also provide a theoretical framework for the study of multimodal warning displays, and evaluate the evidence for different functional hypotheses that can explain their widespread evolution. Our review highlights that whilst multimodal warning displays are well documented, particularly in insects, we lack a good understanding of their function in natural predator–prey systems.

這篇落落長的review在討論的是為什麼有的物種同時具有警戒色,又有非視覺性的警戒機制,像是發出聲音、發出臭味等等,這是很有趣的一個問題,通常我們認為視覺的警戒訊號已經夠厲害,足以嚇阻捕食者,那為什麼又需要同時具有不同的非視覺訊號?如上圖中的細蝶 Acraea horta,是在本文中舉的其中一例,就同時具有視覺(橘紅色)、嗅覺(聞起來像瓢蟲)與味覺(會流出黃色汁液)。


