[Article] 一種珊瑚礁魚類擬態者在不同環境下可獲得不同的益處

photo from http://goo.gl/4KEih6,上為醫生魚,下為假醫生魚

原文標題:Geographical variation in the benefits obtained by a coral reef fish mimic

Mimicry systems are frequently categorized by the type of benefit gained by the mimic's resemblance to its model: protection from threat, including predation (protective mimicry), and increased access to resources, including prey items (aggressive mimicry). These category types may not be mutually exclusive, and some mimics may gain more than one type of benefit. Here we examined a contentious classic textbook example of mimicry between the cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus and its mimic, the sabre-toothed blennyAspidontus taeniatus. We found that the benefit obtained by the sabre-toothed blenny varied between four geographical locations. At the Great Barrier Reef, in Indonesia and in the Red Sea, it rarely attacked reef fish victims, but instead relied on other food sources such as substrate items, damselfish eggs and tubeworms. Here, the main function of the mimicry system could be to protect the sabre-toothed blenny from predation (protective mimicry) and was consistent with a previous study in Japan. However, in French Polynesia, the sabre-toothed blenny aggressively attacked reef fish frequently, and potential victims were more likely to pose to solicit a cleaning interaction. Diet analysis from individuals in French Polynesia indicated material was gleaned from the surface of fish, including large pieces of fin, implying an increase in the benefits obtained from attacking reef fish (aggressive mimicry). This study provides a potential second example of a mimicry system in which multiple types of benefits are gained by a mimic, and importantly, that the benefits obtained by the mimic vary between different environmental conditions and/or geographical locations. This may have important implications for the maintenance and evolution of mimicry systems and may reflect different stages of an arms race with potential victims.

裂唇魚(醫生魚)與三帶盾齒䲁(假醫生魚)是一個極為經典的侵略型擬態(aggresive mimicry)的例子,以往介紹這個例子的時候,都會說到假醫生魚藉由擬態醫生魚靠近他的換「患者」,然後偷咬別人的肉得到好處,但是這個故事已經不是那麼簡單了。



