
photo from Danel Zurek

標題:Flexible color learning in an invertebrate predator: Habronattus jumping spiders can learn to prefer or avoid red during foraging


Understanding the design of prey defenses, such as aposematic colors, involves considering perceptual and cognitive abilities of predators that drive their evolution. Research has focused on avian predators, with little attention to small invertebrate predators. Jumping spiders are abundant and voracious; here, we examined their ability to learn, remember, and generalize color from interactions with aposematic prey. First, we demonstrated that Habronattus pyrrithrix can learn to avoid red, aposematic milkweed bugs. Then, we asked whether exposure to either palatable or unpalatable red prey can drive generalized color biases. Spiders were assigned to one of 3 diets that included exposure to 1) distasteful red milkweed bugs (fed milkweed seeds), 2) palatable red milkweed bugs (fed sunflower seeds), or 3) white-eyed Drosophila only (control). After exposure, we tested spiders for red biases using artificially colored crickets. In our first color-learning experiment, field-collected adult spiders did not exhibit generalized color biases. However, in a second (similar) experiment with lab-raised juveniles, we found evidence of generalized color learning: Group 1 demonstrated red aversion, Group 2 demonstrated red preference, and Group 3 showed no bias. Finally, we examined persistence of memory and found that learned aversions to milkweed-fed bugs lasted less than 2 weeks if they were not continuously reinforced. We discuss our findings in the context of predator psychology and suggest that jumping spider color generalization may differ from that of avian predators. Such invertebrate predators should be considered more when thinking broadly about the evolution of prey color.


這篇文章以一種跳蛛(Habranattus pyrrithrix)為研究對象,跳蛛主要是以兩顆大大的前中眼做為判別周遭情況的受器,比起很多昆蟲與蛛型綱物種來說,視力算是極佳,但問題在於這樣的視力是不是能判別某些顏色,而喜歡或厭惡這些顏色又是來自天生內在的或是後天學習的。這個實驗設計三個不同的處理,分別是餵食馬利筋的椿象(代表有毒),餵食向日葵的椿象(代表無毒),以及白眼果蠅(控制組),分別給跳蛛取食這三種不同的獵物。結果顯示跳蛛對於有毒的獵物產生避忌,而對無毒的獵物有偏好,控制組則沒有明顯差異。也就是說,如果獵物外觀一樣,跳蛛是透過學習來判斷獵物是否能吃,而非透過天生的偏好,而且對於紅色也沒有特殊的偏好。


