
photo from wongchunxing.com
Myrmarachne Merotai (非本實驗中用種類)
標題:Locomotory mimicry in ant-like spiders


The jumping spider genus Myrmarachne (Salticidae) consists of over 200 species of morphologically accurate ant mimics, enabling Myrmarachne to evade ant-averse predators that confuse the spiders with ants (Batesian mimicry). A conspicuous but untested trait of Myrmarachne, which is frequently mentioned in the literature, is locomotory mimicry. For these spiders, locomotion that is more ant like than salticid like may be an integral part of the suite of mimetic signals. We quantified the locomotory pattern of several species of non-ant-like salticids, Myrmarachne, and ants from Australia. We found that the locomotion of the mimics generally resembles that of ants, but not of other salticids. To tease out the effects of locomotion from those based on morphology, ant-eating salticids as visual predators were presented with 3D animations of ant-like salticids walking either in ant or in salticid fashion. Ant-eating salticids spent significantly longer looking at the stimulus with ant-like movement and were significantly more likely to visually track and stalk the stimulus with ant-like movement. Overall, our results suggest that there is selection pressure on Myrmarachne for increased resemblance to a model by locomotor mimicry, despite the associated costs when faced with ant-eating predators.

蟻蛛屬 (Myrmarachne,跳蛛科)全世界超過200種,令人驚訝的是精確的擬態各種螞蟻的型態與行為,可能帶給這群跳蛛躲避其他天敵的好處,被認為是一種貝氏擬態。但令人疑惑的是,跳蛛科有另外一群種類是專吃螞蟻的,蟻蛛也可能被其他專吃螞蟻的跳蛛攻擊,這樣擬態螞蟻反而可能承受更大的風險,使得科學家一直想弄清楚這群蟻蛛到底是想怎樣?


實驗中觀察的種類之一,Myrmarachne smaragdina,Darwin, Female
photo from Dr. Greg Anderson


