
photo from The magic of life butterfly house

標題:Molecular mechanisms of dominance evolution in Müllerian mimicry.


Natural selection acting on dominance between adaptive alleles at polymorphic loci can be sufficiently strong for dominance to evolve. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying such evolution are generally unknown. Here, using Müllerian mimicry as a case-study for adaptive morphological variation, we present a theoretical analysis of the invasion of dominance modifiers altering gene expression through different molecular mechanisms. Toxic species involved in Müllerian mimicry exhibit warning coloration, and converge morphologically with other toxic species of the local community, due to positive frequency-dependent selection acting on these colorations. Polymorphism in warning coloration may be maintained by migration–selection balance with fine scale spatial heterogeneity. We modeled a dominance modifier locus altering the expression of the warning coloration locus, targeting one or several alleles, acting in cis or trans, and either enhancing or repressing expression. We confirmed that dominance could evolve when balanced polymorphism was maintained at the color locus. Dominance evolution could result from modifiers enhancing one allele specifically, irrespective of their linkage with the targeted locus. Nonspecific enhancers could also persist in populations, at frequencies tightly depending on their linkage with the targeted locus. Altogether, our results identify which mechanisms of expression alteration could lead to dominance evolution in polymorphic mimicry.


這個研究透過數學模型,模擬分子生物學中的調節子 (modifier) 如何作用在控制顏色斑紋的基因上。方程式中假設不同族群的多態型能夠透過族群某種比例的遷徙交換基因,在不同的族群就會產生不同的斑紋,進而模擬天擇是如何透過調節子來留下具有優勢的基因。方程式的展開與建構很複雜就姑且不提,總之是透過考量了優勢參數、突變、毒性程度、族群遷徙、基因重組率與捕食者的認知等等參數建構出的數學模型。結果發現具有優勢的斑紋能夠透過顏色基因的多態型平衡來達成。這個優勢的演化能夠從調節子來增強某個特殊的基因,無論這個基因是否與某個特殊的基因在同一條染色體上。

