
Fig. 1 箭毒蛙的親緣關係與將各種特徵映象至樹上,以推測其演趨勢
標題:Aposematism increases acoustic diversification and speciation in poison frogs.

Multimodal signals facilitate communication with conspecifics during court- ship, but they can also alert eavesdropper predators. Hence, signallers face two pressures: enticing partners to mate and avoiding detection by enemies. Undefended organisms with limited escape abilities are expected to mini- mize predator recognition over mate attraction by limiting or modifying their signalling. Alternatively, organisms with anti-predator mechanisms such as aposematism (i.e. unprofitability signalled by warning cues) might elaborate mating signals as a consequence of reduced predation.We hypoth- esize that calls diversified in association with aposematism. To test this, we assembled a large acoustic signal database for a diurnal lineage of apose- matic and cryptic/non-defended taxa, the poison frogs. First, we showed that aposematic and non-aposematic species share similar extinction rates, and aposematic lineages diversify more and rarely revert to the non- aposematic phenotype. We then characterized mating calls based on morphological (spectral), behavioural/physiological (temporal) and environmental traits. Of these, only spectral and temporal features were associated with aposematism. We propose that with the evolution of anti- predator defences, reduced predation facilitated the diversification of vocal signals, which then became elaborated or showy via sexual selection.


這篇研究的作者群以12S-16S rDNA建構172種箭毒蛙的親緣關係,測試警戒性與隱蔽性求偶行為與種化的演化趨勢。作者群假設隱蔽的物種透過另外發展比較低調的方式求偶,而比較警戒的物種可能將求偶的行為與警戒性結合,呈現越警戒越有求偶優勢的趨勢。透過一連串的形質測量,包含測試體表的光學反射評估隱蔽與警戒性,蒐集16657筆青蛙的求偶叫聲並將其分類以及比較體表植物鹼的分泌能力等,再將這些資料綜合進行一連串的分析,用以推測作者群的假設。

Fig. 2 箭毒蛙的種化分析
Fig. 3 系統發生學上對植物鹼的分泌與顯眼度的回歸分析
