
photo: Chia-Hsuan Wei
標題:Revealed by conspicuousness: distractive markings reduce camouflage.


Animal camouflage is a textbook example of natural selection. Despite substantial progress, one historical theory remains controversial: that conspicuous “distractive” markings draw predator attention away from the prey outline, preventing detection. Here, we present evidence from 4 experiments to resolve this controversy. In field experiments, we measured bird predation on artificial cryptic prey that were either unmarked or had distractive markings of various attributes (number, color, and location). Prey with 3 high-contrast distractive markings, and with markings located away from the body outline, suffered reduced survival compared with unmarked controls or prey with low-contrast markings. There was no effect of small single markings with different colors on the survival of targets. In 2 computer-based experiments with human subjects searching for hidden targets, distractive markings of various types (number, size, and location) reduced detection times compared with controls. This effect was greatest for targets that had large or 3 markings. In addition, small and centrally placed markings facilitated faster learning. Therefore, these 2 experimental approaches show that distractive markings are detrimental to camouflage, both facilitating initial detection and increasing the speed of predator learning. Our experiments also suggest that learning of camouflaged prey is dependent on the type of camouflage present. Contrary to current and historical discussion, conspicuous markings are more likely to impair camouflage than enhance it, presenting important implications for the optimization of prey coloration in general.




Fig. 1 用來測試野外顏色影響的三角形人工假餌
Fig. 2 測試斑點位置與對比的假餌與結果。
為了嘗試解決這個理論上的衝突,作者群以兩個部分測試,一個是用人工印製的假餌,放到自然的環境中觀察被攻擊的程度,另一個是以人類為實驗對象,讓受試者看電腦呈現的影像並做紀錄。假餌呈現的影像是以符合白臘樹(Fraxinus excelsior)的樹皮為基礎,首先測試顏色的因子分為控制組與另外四組點上黑色、綠色、白色與紅色的顏色來「分散」捕食者的注意力,另一個部分測試標記的對比與在身體上的位置(是否遠離邊緣)是否對生存度產生影響。在實驗室進行的部分分為標記的位置與標記的尺寸與數量兩個部分對受試者測驗,以得知哪種因素對於受試者更容易辨識與是否容易記憶。

Fig. 3 實驗室給受試者觀察的圖片與實驗結果。

