
Fig. 1 文中的燈蛾與苔蛾的發音結構型態與其發音頻率
標題:Acoustic Aposematism and Evasive Action in Select Chemically Defended Arctiine (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) Species: Nonchalant or Not?


Tiger moths (Erebidae: Arctiinae) have experienced intense selective pressure from echolo- cating, insectivorous bats for over 65 million years. One outcome has been the evolution of acoustic signals that advertise the presence of toxins sequestered from the moths’ larval host plants, i.e. acoustic aposematism. Little is known about the effectiveness of tiger moth anti-bat sounds in their natural environments. Weused multiple infrared cameras to recon- struct bat-moth interactions in three-dimensional (3-D) space to examine how functional sound-producing organs called tymbals affect predation of two chemically defended tiger moth species: Pygarctia roseicapitis (Arctiini) and Cisthene martini (Lithosiini). P. roseicapi- tis and C. martini with intact tymbals were 1.8 and 1.6 times less likely to be captured by bats relative to those rendered silent. 3-D flight path and acoustic analyses indicated that bats actively avoided capturing sound-producing moths. Clicking behavior differed between the two tiger moth species, with P. roseicapitis responding in an earlier phase of bat attack. Evasive flight behavior in response to bat attacks was markedly different between the two tiger moth species. P. roseicapitis frequently paired evasive dives with aposematic sound production. C. martini were considerably more nonchalant and employed evasion in fewer interactions. Our results show that acoustic aposematism is effective at deterring bat preda- tion in a natural context and that this strategy is likely to be the ancestral function of tymbal organs within the Arctiinae.



Fig. 8 蝙蝠遇到發出警戒音個體時的行為假設
作者群利用會發音的燈蛾,Pygarctia roseicapitis,與苔蛾,Cisthene martini 來討論這個現象。燈蛾與苔蛾都屬於燈蛾族 (Arctiini),一般認為這群蛾類會在體內累積有毒物質,捕食者吃到會吐掉,而這些物質有時也會用來做為吸引異性的費洛蒙。作者群想到,這兩種蛾的發音顯然不同於上面提到的夜蛾,如果不是為了迷惑捕食者,發音反而可能會吸引捕食者,但如果結合化學防禦的話,這有沒有可能是一種主動告訴捕食者「我不好吃」的訊號?

Fig. 2 蝙蝠遇到三種不同處理個體的接觸頻率與行為。藍色為不捕捉,橘色為捕捉但吐掉,灰色為吃掉。
Fig. 6 兩種蛾與到蝙蝠的飛行軌跡分析
作者群以遠紅外線的攝影機錄製燈蛾與苔蛾接觸蝙蝠時的3D立體軌跡,以及發音行為在這兩者間的交互作用中所扮演的角色。作者將這些蛾做了三種處理:保留發音結構 (Tymbaled, T+)、移除發音結構 (Ablated, T-)與只把發音結構周圍的鱗片移除做為控制組 (Sham, S)。結果顯示這兩種蛾在蝙蝠靠近時的發音頻率與模式,都與蝙蝠不在附近的發音有所差異。3D軌跡的結果顯示,當蝙蝠聽到這些發音後,明顯產生避免捕食這些蛾類的行為。這兩種蛾的發音行為也有所差異:燈蛾在較遠的距離偵測到蝙蝠後,就開始改變飛行行為(如夜蛾般掉落),並且產生警戒音,而苔蛾則保持繼續飛行但改變方向,採取一種默默離開以避免接觸的模式。

