
photo from Phillip's Natural World

標題:Beyond magic traits: Multimodal mating cues in Heliconius butterflies


Species coexistence involves the evolution of reproductive barriers opposing gene flow. Heliconius butterflies display colorful patterns affecting mate choice and survival through warning signaling and mimicry. These patterns are called “magic traits” for speciation because divergent natural selection may promote mimicry shifts in pattern whose role as mating cue facilitates reproductive isolation. By contrast, between comimetic species, natural selection promotes pattern convergence.We addressed whether visual convergence interferes with reproductive isolation by testing for sexual isolation between two closely related species with similar patterns, H. timareta thelxinoe and H. melpomene amaryllis. Experiments with models confirmed visual attraction based on wing phenotype, leading to indiscriminate approach. Nevertheless, mate choice experiments showed assortative mating. Mon- itoring male behavior toward live females revealed asymmetry in male preference, H. melpomene males courting both species equally while H. timareta males strongly preferred conspecifics. Experiments with hybrid males suggested an important genetic component for such asymmetry. Behavioral observations support a key role for short-distance cues in determining male choice in H. timareta. Scents extracts from wings and genitalia revealed interspecific divergence in chemical signatures, and hybrid female scent compositionwas significantly associatedwith courtship intensity by H. timareta males, providing candidate chemical mating cues involved in sexual isolation.

對於穆氏擬態的毒蝶 (Heliconius)來說,因為大家長的都很像(從人類的角度來)那麼這些那麼像的蝴蝶在找尋配偶的時候會不會弄錯呢?一些早期的研究指出毒蝶可經由視覺來挑選配偶,並且會偏好與自己比較相像的個體交配。比較近期(2000後)的一些研究也指出,雖然人類看起來很像的毒蝶,但不同種間的色素來源是不一樣的,因此會有些微妙的差異,而不同種毒蝶的視覺正好可以辨識這些差異,降低找錯配偶的機會。

左為H. timareta ssp,右為H. melpomene amaryllis
photo from La diversite des Heliconius
這個研究就在討論這個問題,究竟有什麼樣的因素會影響共域間擬態物種的種間隔離。實驗的概念基本上是利用兩種近緣的蝴蝶 H. timareta thelxinoeH. melpomene amaryllis,透過雄性與雌性間的求偶行為觀察來得到結果。實驗的進行分為翅紋模型與費洛蒙分析兩個部分,除親代的純系實驗外,也執行兩者雜交後代的求偶偏好。實驗進行使用的雌性蝴蝶都是首次交配,確保沒有其他因子影響。

結果顯示H. melpomene的雄性會同時偏好兩者,但H. timareta則強烈的只偏好同種的個體,即使是雜交的雄性後代也同樣支持這樣的偏好。H. timareta的求偶行為觀察中發現,雄性要接近雌性到很短的距離才會決定交配與否。從翅膀與生殖器取出費洛蒙的分析顯示這兩種間的化學訊號顯著的不同。雜交的雌性後代的費洛蒙組成明顯的會吸引H. timareta。這樣的結果支持除了透過視覺外,費洛蒙也扮演重要的角色。

