
Fig. 1 織布鳥與寡婦鳥的親緣關係。圖中框起來的就是本文主角-雌性寄生織布鳥。在其上的是擬態的模型,紅寡婦鳥(雄性紅色那隻)。
標題:Evidence for aggressive mimicry in an adult brood parasitic bird, and generalized defences in its host.


Mimicry of a harmless model (aggressive mimicry) is used by egg, chick and fledgling brood parasites that resemble the host’s own eggs, chicks and fledglings. However, aggressive mimicry may also evolve in adult brood parasites, to avoid attack from hosts and/or manipulate their perception of parasitism risk. We tested the hypothesis that female cuckoo finches (Anomalospiza imberbis) are aggressive mimics of female Euplectes weavers, such as the harmless, abundant and sympatric southern red bishop (Euplectes orix). We show that female cuckoo finch plumage colour and pattern more closely resembled those of Euplectes weavers (putative models) than Vidua finches (closest relatives); that their tawny-flanked prinia (Prinia subflava) hosts were equally aggressive towards female cuckoo finches and southern red bishops, and more aggressive to both than to their male counterparts; and that prinias were equally likely to reject an egg after seeing a female cuckoo finch or bishop, and more likely to do so than after seeing a male bishop near their nest. This is, to our knowledge, the first quantitative evidence for aggressive mimicry in an adult bird, and suggests that host–parasite coevolution can select for aggressive mimicry by avian brood parasites, and counter-defences by hosts, at all stages of the reproductive cycle.

侵略型擬態 (aggressive mimicry) 的型式有很多種,最常見的是醫生魚與假醫生魚的例子,鳥類的話就是杜鵑將蛋寄生在別種鳥類的巢中。以鳥來說,要將蛋成功寄生需要付出很大的耗費,通常是鳥蛋的樣式或是雛鳥的乞食標記,透過侵略型擬態的方式達成寄生的目的。除了蛋與雛鳥,成體是否也存在侵略型擬態呢?

原生於非洲的寄生織布鳥 (cuckoo finch, Anomalospiza imberbis) 是會將鳥蛋寄生在同屬於非洲的褐頭鷦鶯 (tawny-flanked prinia, Prinia subflava) 的巢中,而寄生織布鳥的的雌性外貌十分類似分佈於當地非寄生姓的紅寡婦鳥 (southern red bishop, Euplectes orix)。基於物種間不太可能沒來由的具有高度相似性,而且當分佈又重疊時,自然學家心中的一些疑問就產生了:難道雌性織布鳥藉由擬態雌性紅寡婦鳥來接近褐頭鷦鶯的巢,避免被趕走,增加寄生鳥蛋的成功率嗎?


Fig. 2 織布鳥、紅寡婦鳥屬與姊妹群維達鳥屬的分佈與顏色的差異。

Fig. 3 褐頭鷦鶯看到織布鳥後的警戒音與排除鳥蛋的行為結果


